Friday 22 June 2012

The best hangover biscuit: why gingernuts are so great

It is a truth universally acknowledged that ginger biscuits cure hangovers. This is how Jane Austen ought to have begun Pride and Prejudice, although admittedly in the world of eighteenth-century drawing rooms and marriage plots, the word 'hangover' was more likely to be the name for an item of male clothing, rather than anything to do with drink.

But we today, live in the modern world.  And when the modern world gets too much, we have drink.  And when we've had too much to drink, we have hangovers. And this is where ginger biscuits come in.

Picture the scenario: you've been out the night before (disclaimer: for anyone who doesn't drink, please move on, read another un-drink-related post - you are a better person than I am). You've been out the night before, and you had a few drinks.  Things got exciting, and you may or may not have entered a certain chinese restaurant where you may or may not have discovered the (unoriginal) revelation that prawn crackers make a great side to tequila.

Anyway, the point is, you're not feeling your best.  You've got up, rolled down the stairs, and scared all your housemates with your pale and corpse-like visage.  The next question is, what do you eat to make it all go away?

The boring answer to this question is the standard eggs, salt, toast, bacon, lots of cold water, a paracetamol or two, and maybe a fresh salad to detox for lunch.  The real answer is that nothing, if we are being brutally honest, is going to help you; you drank too much, go back to bed and deal with it.

However.  There is a third option out there.  Plan ahead and stock up on a packet of gingernuts before a night out.  When your hungover body views them in the morning, suddenly they will become God's gift to man and the world will become a brighter place.

There's something about the texture, and that gently spicy aftertaste, that just hits the spot.  A side effect can include addictive all day munching; gingernuts are hard to stop eating once you get going.  But on the whole these are harmless, crumbly specimens of gingery deliciousness which are guarenteed to make you feel better. 

Often found in your granny's biscuit tin, gingernut biscuits are as old as time but they also hold a vital position in today's world.  Their crazily effective healing powers are not to be underrated and are just one of the many reasons they rule the biscuit world.

Next post: tbc

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